Saturday, January 24, 2009

AD Utilities (Applications DBA Utilities)

AD Utilities (Applications DBA Utilities) are set of Oracle supplied utilities that are used to administer Oracle Applications.

A brief listing of utilities and their usage is given below:

adadmin - Performs maintenance tasks for Oracle Applications.

adchkdig - Checks the integrity of Oracle Applications patches downloaded from OracleMetaLink.

adutconf.sql - Reports standard information about the installed configuration of Oracle Applications.

adctrl - Manages parallel workers in AD Administration and AutoPatch.

adident - Reports the version and translation level of an OracleApplications file.

adncnv - Converts a file from one character set to another.

admrgpch - Merges multiple patches into a single merged patch. - Relinks Oracle Applications executable programs withthe Oracle server product libraries.

adsplice - Adds off-cycle products.

adtimrpt.sql - Reports a summary of the timing for jobs run by parallel workers.

adpatch - Applies patches and other system updates. - Generates customized installation instructions for a patch.

rapidwiz - Provides a wizard for entering parameters that are specific to a new installation or an upgrade of an Oracle Applications system.

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