Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Unlocking the locked table

Some times we get an error while running a DDL statement on a table. something like belowSQL> drop table aa;
drop table aa
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-14452: attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use

This happens because some other session is using this table or having a lock on this table.
Following is the simple procedure to kill the session holding the lock on this table and drop the table. Note that this should be done only if you are sure that this table is no more required and all sessions holding lock on this table can be deleted

1. Get the object ID of the table to be droppedSQL> select object_id from dba_objects where object_name = 'AA';

2. Get the session ID which is holding lock on this object from v$locked_object view
SQL> select OBJECT_ID, SESSION_ID, ORACLE_USERNAME, PROCESS from v$locked_object where OBJECT_ID = 3735492;
---------- ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------
3735492 1124 MSC 4092@AKPRADH-LAP

3. Get the serial# of the SID using v$session

SQL> select sid, serial# from v$session where sid = 1124;
---------- ----------
1124 51189

4. Kill the session by connecting as sysdba and try dropping the table
SQL> alter system kill session '1124, 51189';
System altered.

SQL> drop table aa;
Table dropped.


halimdba said...

nice, keep it up.


Unknown said...

Hello My Friend,

Hope u r fine. I am very excited and glad to know that your are working in IT sector since 2000. But issue is that how it is possible where you started your graduation in IT on 2000 and which finished on 2006. And after that u started your work in IT sector. Well done and keep it up.