Almost all of the 10g and above databases usually use ASM. One of the most common requests of development systems is to add another lun to add more space to ASM. This is one of the great features of ASM, adding or removing disk without affecting the current databases. Before adding a lun, however, I always check to see if space is really needed. Sometimes, there will be a database which has not been backed up in weeks and it will have literally thousands of archive logs that are filling up ASM. That remedy is easy, either back up the database and archives or delete the archive logs and run a new full backup.
Then there are the vampire databases, those that suck up disk space, but are not active and not being used. Often, they are just forgotten databases by developers or DBAs that are shut down, removed from oratab and backups and generally forgotten about since no one notices the space they take up in ASM. In dealing with space issues, I needed a quick way to determine what databases were in ASM, whether or not they were actually running. Here is what I came up with:
REM asm_db_size.sql
REM Author - Jay Caviness -
REM 5 March 2009
REM ------------------------------------------------------------
set pages 999
set heading on
set feedback off
set lines 80
col "Size in MB" for 999,999,999
col "Database" for a25
select database_name "Database",
sum(space)/1024/1024 "Size in MB" FROM (
CONNECT_BY_ROOT db_name as database_name, space
a.parent_index pindex
, db_name
, a.reference_index rindex
, f.bytes bytes
, space
, f.type type
v$asm_file f RIGHT OUTER JOIN v$asm_alias a
USING (group_number, file_number)
START WITH (MOD(pindex, POWER(2, 24))) = 0
CONNECT BY PRIOR rindex = pindex)
group by database_name
order by database_name
Which, when run gives the output:
Database Size in MB
------------------------- ------------
QA 29,667
QACA20A 9,011
QARA20A 13,258
QCONFIG 17,653
QHC1011 8,874
QHR1011 12,068
QICA11A 17,247
QIRA11A 27,041
TESTC02 8,908
TESTR02 11,791
In this case I know that TESTC02 and TESTR02 are not running and upon checking with the owners of this system, received permission to drive a stake through the heart of. Cheers !remove these databases saving 20G of space.